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Believer • Wife • Mother • Runner

Welcome to Autumn's Running Late: a genuine blog to humor and empower your day. Or night. Because I'm probably running late again (with reflectors and mace). This is my creative outlet to share my transition from engineer to homemaker, boast the victories and laugh at the shortfalls. I’m staying up late but you can read in the morning.

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Carrot Festival 5k Race Recap

You win some, you lose some and it wouldn’t be authentic to only write about the times I felt proud and inspired. I botched this run and...

A Valentine’s Gift-for-Kids Guide

Scroll to the bottom for links to gift ideas that will make you the ultimate Valentine GOAT. I love gifts. I hate how materialistic that...

The Trainer; The Boredom Inducer

This post documents my dread to mount the bike trainer. The truth is I know it's a vital part of Ironman training so I will suck it up...

Far from Supermom

Would love to know how you stay-at-home moms are doing it. Honestly need help here. I’m still working part time until about April, but in...

Ironman Arizona: Where do I start!?

Starting something new is hard and without a clear plan in place, it's pretty easy to get anxious and borderline depressed. This is the...

It's Diamond's Homeday!

One and a half years married and Blake and I felt like we needed a dog, so we drove to the El Centro Humane Society, you know, just to...

Miles Behind Me

My brothers and I have been asked several times which parent passed down our athletic gene, but we haven’t always been runners. Brent has...

We're Doing Hard Things

I've worked as an engineer for almost 9 years, but I'm hanging up my hard hat to stay home and raise my kids. At times I've felt like a...

Happy Birthday Blake

While planning Crosley’s 1st birthday party, I was stressing about side dishes and desserts, decorations, party favors, tables and...

Ironman 70.3 Indian Wells La Quinta

I’m so thankful for supportive friends, family, volunteers, and Red Bull! Here’s my race debrief for those that have asked: PRE-RACE The...

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A collection of the crazy things my kids say


When Crosley was one, we told her she couldn't go on the grass because there was cow poo poo on it. The next day some punk high schoolers were standing on the lawn, so she pointed at their feet and said, "cow poo poo". They jumped off and she's been making us laugh ever since. She's a constant reminder that there's something funny to be said every day.

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