Scroll to the bottom for links to gift ideas that will make you the ultimate Valentine GOAT.

I love gifts. I hate how materialistic that sounds but it’s true. I love receiving gifts, and bonus points if they’re thoughtful because Lord knows I’m over-analyzing every little thing. I was a disappointed puddle of tears when an old crush gave me a mixtape that started with “Welcome Home” by Coheed and Cambria. The CD was decorated in sharpie and I thought to myself, wow, he really took the time to craft this playlist just for me. Popped it in my fancy 6-disc CD changer and hear this lovely soundbite: You could have been all I wanted/But you weren't honest/Now get in the ground.
We never ever ever got back together.
But it's not all about receiving. I love giving gifts too! I keep a secret list of gift ideas for friends and family and I love to see the look on their faces when they open something they only mentioned in passing. Whether it’s bought or homemade, gift giving is an opportunity to make someone feel loved and acknowledged and it’s so rewarding to know you made someone feel special.
Without a doubt, gifts are my love language (along with Words of Affirmation; give me all the likes and comments), so needless to say, I'm excited it's almost Valentine's Day!
Blake and I agreed early on that we'd keep Valentine gifts small and meaningful so every year I give him something crafty and he takes me to dinner. Winner-winner. But yay, I'm a mom now! So I get to double down on everything pink and red to make my kids feel special and loved just like my mom did for me all those years before boys started breaking my heart.

I can guarantee Blythe will scream “mama!” and Cros will yell “oh my goodness!” if I give them: (1) something edible; (2) a hard shiny thing they don’t already have; (3) something that dies (more on this later); and (4) a card.
I think I'll use this method until they're in junior high, when maybe their hormones trick them into thinking holidays are cheesy, Mom’s not cool, and they’ve gotta pretend like they’re not into someone that they’re actually into because that’s the game and its stupid but we all played it!
Thankfully, Crosley is 3 and Blythe is 18 months so no-no drama in our house. Yet. Except for this kind:

All year I've been adding to my secret list of gift ideas for the girls and since they can't read, I thought it’d be safe to share some of my favorites. I even made it easy with some links, and your welcome!
NOTE TO ALL MEN (Blake): Is your significant other a child at heart? Then they might want some of this junk too (Delu, please remind Blake around our anniversary, my birthday, Christmas or when he agrees the pants make my butt look fat).
(1) Edible
This Valentine’s Day I’m really trying to avoid gifting candy because we have so much chocolate that the bottom stash is starting to turn white. Side note: even crusty-milk-chocolate-gone-white brings me joy so it hasn’t joined the Marie Kondo pile yet. So I’m thinking individually packed snacks like goldfish, nilla wafers, or these awesome veggie hearts from Target. Cros is obsessed with helping me "make" so maybe I'll wrap a box of cake mix with a cute apron and silicon spatula. Bonus food ideas: ring pops, candy necklaces or cotton candy, popcorn, powdered donuts, cake pop or a decorated cookie from Starbucks.
Hint for Blake: You'd be a total GOAT if you went for this sweet and cheesy combo: make a cheese board with dried fruit and a broken up block of dark chocolate on a cutting board. Also these macha kit-kats exist, whaaat!?

(2) A hard shiny thing they don't already have
A cookie cutter! My kids love their sandwiches cut in fun shapes and tying a cute heart-shaped cookie cutter to your gift is totally Instagram/supermom worthy! I also picked up the LEGO Movie and Batman Lego Movie for the girls because I love how witty they are and please. no. more. Frozen! Bonus Ideas: glow-sticks or play-jewelry, a new bow or a funny book (with a moral to the story). And sometimes an unconventional gift can excite your little ones, like I know Crosley would Tom Cruise jump on the couch if I got her Frozen cupcake liners or a can of whipped cream with a color changing spoon. She also loves rocks. Is that normal?
(3) Something that dies
I'm not talking about a puppy that poops on the carpet, that's actual responsibility and I have enough messes to clean up so please please no beating hearts. I'm saying something with an amusement expiration, like balloons or sea-monkeys! And when either die, just say they played with it until all the fun was gone. That's usually enough explanation to stop Crosley's tears. Or I throw it out after bedtime and they're none the wiser.
(4) Card
My kids love singing cards but I hate paying for them so instead I write them a letter. They’re too young to appreciate it now, but I put it in their box to read when they’re older and hopefully don’t still think I’m uncool. Or maybe it’ll be what brings them back from the dark side. But at minimum they’ll get to know a young mother that didn’t know what she was doing but loved them a whole lot and wanted nothing more than to make them feel special.
And I want this too! Remember, Words of Affirmation? Who wouldn't appreciate reading the reasons why they're loved? Write it on a hallmark card, or on square paper and fold it into an origami bee, or geez, write it on a crinkled napkin (but come on, make it look intentional). If you need help, pick up one of these awesome Fill in the Love books and you’re set!

Gifting doesn't have to be ornate or expensive as long as it's personal and given with a good heart. Now get out there and win Valentine’s Day (and the internet too from now until the end of 24 hours when your Instagram story expires).
Have some unique ideas I should add to my top-secret gift list? Comment below!
Happy Valentine’s Day!
P.S. I hope the links above are helpful! With that said, as a member of affiliate programs, I earn from qualifying purchases when you use the links in this blog, but with no additional cost to you! Pretty cool huh?
Stephanie, metallic Hershey kisses boxers from Target are 20% off right now! Oh yeah!!
Such good ideas! I love the healthy take on the usual sweets!
This is my first Valentine’s Day as a wife. I just asked my husband if his family had any traditions and he said his mom used to get him underwear every Valentine’s Day LOL. Guess I know what I’m doing this year!