This lockdown sucks. Walmart Pick Up just doesn’t give me the same satisfaction I get from roaming the dollar bins and clearance aisles. We needed milk and no curbside service would deliver so I ventured into Target and it. was. GLORIOUS! Here’s a dramatization so you can live vicariously through me:
I walked through the automatic sliding doors. The dimmed Starbucks lights were a reminder that this visit wouldn’t be the same. I worried for my life. Would this be the day I contracted the virus? Covid 19.
I was greeted by a man wearing a red polo and khaki pants. He offered to wipe a cart with Lysol but I refused. Despite living in a pandemic, my shopping mission remained in tact. Dont over buy.
I attempted to walk past the door busters but flashing bunny heads on a stick and adorable bunny ears lured me in.
Me and six other patrons waltzed around those four rows, each taking a step in sync to maintain a safe 6-foot separation as we perused the potential Easter basket filler.
Once my pallet was content, I ventured towards the milk. But wait. Instant drying nail polish with glitter? My young civilians would love that!
Back on track, I head towards the fresh groceries, but wait again!
Stationary? I’m someone that writes letters... I need stationary. And now I also kind of need a basket, to hold all these things...
I curse myself for passing on the disinfected cart as I boldly pull my sleeve past the palm of my hand to pick up a shopping basket.
I make it to the back of the store. The refrigerators are lined with pantry staples like milk and frozen fruit. Have I found the last store containing frozen chicken? Maybe. I calmly gather cartons of Fairlife lactose-free dairy, cautious not to exceed the two product limitation, and safely make my way towards the exit.
But once I reach the main aisle, be it the unfamiliar fluorescent lights, the high of being without kids, or just a deep longing to feel like things are normal, I convince myself I should fully submit to the store and I begin a downward spiral into the outdoor section, pool toys, kids games, toddler clothes, and kitchen appliances.
Was the risk worth the reward? I think so. I’m carting 12 items I had no prior intentions of buying and wait patiently, six feet away from an associate disinfecting the self checkout screen. I pay, gather my things, and walk out into the fresh air. I’m rejuvenated. I’m free. I am me again for a fleeting moment.
*Clicking Target and Amazon affiliate links in this and my other blog posts may lead to me making a referral commission from your purchase. So you know, click them, browse, and buy stuff. Thanks!